Saturday, December 4, 2010


Today sunrise is godlike,
the last spirit to fall is coming home
The hardwood floor feels like marble,
so cold, so empty, and without soul
Your head against the window,
you wish for the night to fall
The light burns your tired eyes,
you feel nothing at all

Silence comes to tell you why the moment never came,
the rest is different loneliness, it has no name

And I wonder if it rains in Paris tonight,
like it rains down in my hemisphere
I wonder if this all remained the same, remained undone,
should I board a plane for an easy out here

The beauty of the old world, the towers and walls of stone
a church to heal this hurt in, or a Christmas all alone
And I don't speak the language, I can't understand a word they say,
right now it doesn't bother me, I am a ghost here without a name

The soundtrack for this evening,
through the laughter and smoke comes her holy ghost
Shining through all the annui, all the broken dreams
and all the perished thoughts
"Get out of my heart", I cry into the night,
but there is nothing but rain and remand
I can almost touch this flame withering, with trembling hands I can

Tonight I take it to the streets, let the cruelness of sidewalks disappear,
for they are broken, broken like everything in my heart
In a world where it always rains, each night is like a demand,
no, "no one, not even the rain, has such small hands"

Written gradually during 2000 and 2001. Edited and revised on the 5th of December 2010. Out of everything I have ever written, both musically and lyrically, I feel "Anima" has always captured, at least to me personally, something significant. After ten years I still find it relevant and worth a form of evolution.

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