Wednesday, September 22, 2010


An uncontrollable free-fall through the days. The month started with a landslide of difficult decisions, pulling all-nighters too many in a row, and simply too much on my plate all the time. If there is a signicant moment somewhere buried there, I have failed to notice it.

The question is: how much more of this I can take? I thought I had reached a limit in early July, but that period seems like a cakewalk compared to this. Should I consider this a challenge? Should I improvise, adapt and overcome? Should I take whatever is thrown in my general direction like I usually do: by the horns and bend it until it screams mercy, or simply is resolved and defeated? No quarter here, mate.

A kind soul noted only a few days ago that I live a "charmed life" amidst an interesting conversation. It is curious to note that I never view my existence here that way. Being pummeled by an endless row of difficult cases, nasty decisions, and trying to get some order into this disarray can hardly be considered "charming" or "charmed". But then, life is what you make it. [With a reference to Mark Hollis]

Get your ducks in a row.

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