Sunday, November 29, 2009
What lies in smoldering ruins; arisings of concern with one's own welfare and the theology of satanistic deeds. Nay, no more, say I.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Standing firm on this stony ground
The wind blows hard
Pulls these clothes around
I harbour all the same worries as most
The temptations to leave or to give up the ghost
I wrestle with an outlook on life
That shifts between darkness and shadowy light
I struggle with words for fear that they'll hear
But Orpheus sleeps on his back still dead to the world
Sunlight falls, my wings open wide
There's a beauty here I cannot deny
And bottles that tumble and crash on the stairs
Are just so many people I knew never cared
Down below on the wreck of the ship
Are a stronghold of pleatures I couldn't regret
But the baggage is swallowed up by the tide
As Orpheus keeps to his promise and stays by my side
Tell me, I've still a lot to learn
Understand, these fires never stop
Believe me, when this joke is tired of laughing
I will hear the promise of my Orpheus sing
Sleepers sleep as we row the boat
Just you, the weather, and I gave up hope
But all of the hurdles that fell in our laps
Were fuel for the fire and straw for our backs
Still the voices have stories to tell
Of the power struggles in heaven and hell
But we feel secure against such mighty dreams
As Orpheus sings of the promise tomorrow may bring
Tell me, I've still a lot to learn
Understand, these fires never stop
Please believe, when this joke is tired of laughing
I will hear the promise of my Orpheus sing
--David Sylvian, Orpheus, 1988, Virgin VS1043
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Not knowing what to trust, I embrace the unknown. Not knowing where to go, I stay here. Not comprehending the past, I must learn and understand. Being afraid to look at the potential, I will face the darkness in candlelight.
For the first time in aeons, I am afraid...
Monday, September 28, 2009
Hypnos (Redux)
"Will death cleanse me of this Nemesis? I taste the blood and all the pain..." --Thomas Gabriel Fischer, Celtic Frost, "Nemesis" from "Vanity/Nemesis"
Saturday, September 26, 2009
We are born with rights, freedoms and obligations.
We are born with freedoms, and have the obligation to claim them.
It is as true to say that we are born with obligations, and have the right to honour them.
We have the freedom to exercise our rights to the degree that we have the freedom to meet our obligations.
The key to our personal freedom is the extent to which we accept responsibility for exercising our rights and meeting our obligations.
Our sense of personal responsibility, in respect to rights & obligations, in some cases may be innate; but in others, may not be.
The sense & feeling of personal responsibility, and our capacity to exercise it, is primarily an outcome of education.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
And there will be the Third, and the Third will be the end of all.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
...August left too many quenstions unanswered. Questions of motive, meaning and reason. I cannot, and choose not to, live without the aforementioned. My actions and choices are always with intent, and I do my very best to understand the consequenses of my actions, even at a point where I find myself physically and mentally exhausted and utterly spent. The nights have offered no refuge or shelter from the reality of what has taken place. The bliss of sleep has kept itself waiting, and after too few moments of torn dreams, the morning has greeted me without consolation and hope. The stranger in the bathroom mirror resembles nothing I am familiar with.
"...Oh Gods, come and take me away, from all this that I know by heart, I turn to face the sun,
and my steps are uneasy, I am so frightened of what we have become..."
The September may bring something else, forgetfulness at least. It may bring a hint of joy, but right now, I just want to forget. Forgetting is sufficient enough for I have no high hopes or dreams anymore. May the ignorance pave the way for a distant future, in whatever form it might present itself.
"... and dreamless I, drown again, in the shadow of the fading stars, a black Saturn and a dying Sun..."
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Karmic Consequences
- Main Entry: con·se·quence
- Pronunciation: \ˈkän(t)-sə-ˌkwen(t)s, -kwən(t)s\
- Function: noun
- Date: 14th century
1 : a conclusion derived through logic : inference
2 : something produced by a cause or necessarily following from a set of conditions
3 a : importance with respect to power to produce an effect consequence> b : social importance
4 : the appearance of importance; especially : self-importance
— in consequence : as a result
The past week has been a constant reminder of how ignorant people generally are of the direct results of their own actions. Things do not just happen, there is always a choice behind a string of events that can be pointed as a source of origin. Things just do not happen to you. The choices you made, and how the choice was manifested, lead to the given result. Any arising faced on a daily basis is a product of choice.
Cuisvis hominis est errare; nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare
How sad it is to note then that current events have been full of finger-pointing, blaming the "consequences" and externalizing one's responsibilities. To live a life while manifesting the necessary, because necessary is never far from what is real. To live a life manifesting honesty, honesty unto one self and unto one another. To live a life understanding that the optional is expensive and the unnecessary is unlikely. One should never choose the optional and the unnecessary, unless prepared to pay the highest price for vanity.
What is so incomprehensible about the aforementioned? How in the name of every known deity, and then some, have I to face the incompetence and ignorance, the half-assed manifestations of the Thelemic "Do what thou Wilt" with sub figura "not giving fuck is awesome" or "fuck everyone else", on a daily basis?
Sunday, August 2, 2009
A day in the life of...

Friday, the last day of July. The usual business of managing a hotel keeps me occupied with all different kinds of arisings. The JoenRantaRock (The RiverSideRock -festival, for all you English speaking friends) preparations are on their way. The festival has been held in the evening restaurant of the hotel for the past two years, and this year it is attempted to be held outside entirely. The building of the stage is taking far too long, I notice, as I stand on a balcony overlooking the festival area between the hotel and the River Kymi. I try not to worry about the building schedule, which at this point is beyond all hope.
[Edit: The rest of the entry has been removed by the author due to discretion towards persons included and the immense hurt caused by the misinterpretation of given information.]
Monday, July 27, 2009
Reflections on an Ultimatum
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Until the morning, let me sleep and dream, and wake up in the light I once knew.